Mi-am adus aminte de una din alea o mie de chestii pe care aveam sa ti le spun si care mi s-au sters din minte cand ne-am intalnit si ne uitam una la alta, tu obosita si eu ametita. Mai stii testul ala pe care l-am facut cand ai fost la mine la Lyon, the personality defect test pe numele lui si ce ne-am mai distrat cu rezultatul tau care spunea "you are the emo kid"? Eu mai rad si acum cand imi aduc aminte:)))))))))))))))))))))
Zilele trecute am dat iar peste el si am pus-o si pe sora-mea sa-l faca and guess what, I am surrounded by emo kids!!!!! A avut aceeasi reactie de milioane, specifica voua, "the quiet pussies", merita s-o vezi :)))))))))))))))
Pentru voi ceilalti, daca va intereseaza, rezultatul meu a fost oarecum previzibil:
Haughty Intellectual
You are 71% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 29% Brutal, and 86% Arrogant.
You are the Haughty Intellectual. You are a very rational person, emphasizing logic over emotion, and you are also rather arrogant and self-aggrandizing. You probably think of yourself as an intellectual, and you would like everyone to know it. Not only that, but you also tend to look down on others, thinking yourself better than them. You could possibly have an unhealthy obsession with yourself as well, thus causing everyone to hate you for being such an elitist twat. On top of all that, you are also introverted and gentle. This means that you are just a quiet thinker who wants fame and recognition, in all likelihood. Like so many countless pseudo-intellectuals swarming around vacuous internet forums to discuss worthless political issues, your kind is a scourge upon humanity, blathering and blathering on and on about all kinds of boring crap. If your personality could be sculpted, the resulting piece would be Rodin's "The Thinker"--although I am absolutely positive that you are not nearly as muscular or naked as that statue. Rather lacking in emotion, introspective, gentle, and arrogant, you are most certainly a Haughty Intellectual! And, most likely, you will never achieve the recognition or fame you so desire! But no worries!
To put it less negatively:
1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.
2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.
3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.
4. You are more ARROGANT than humble.
Si rautatea aia de sora-emo m-a intrebat, cu mutrita ei dragalasa: "da la ce intrebari n-ai raspuns sincer de nu ti-a iesit the spiteful loner sau the sociopath?"
Testul e pe aici: http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-personality-defect-test Ar mai fi de mentionat ca asta mica s-a mai si speriat de poza aia a lui Eugen Ionescu, cred ca a ramas cu sechele dupa licenta despre teatrul absurd, poor emo kid.
2 comentarii :
Las'ca am deja un sociopat langa mine: you are very calculating and intelligent, making you a perfect criminal mastermind,a very cunning serial killer... Noapte buna, copii...
eh, mie imi sunt simpatici sociopatii astia care ma duc cu masina la aeroport la 3 dimineata, asa ca stop whining, you emo kid:))
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